Erotic MidoKirin

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Enter at Your Own Risk, and Enjoy the Exquisite Ecstasy of Kirinmaru and Midoriko's Erotic Escapades!

As you delve into the realm of Kirinmaru and Midoriko's forbidden romance, be prepared to embark on a journey of uninhibited exploration. Lose yourself in the depths of their intoxicating chemistry, the thrill of their forbidden trysts, and the raw intensity of their desires.If you're ready to awaken your deepest passions and delve into the world of Kirinmaru and Midoriko's forbidden love, then proceed with caution.

....But remember, these stories are meant for those who can handle the heat!

Kirinmaru caught his wife, Midoriko, pleasuring herself in private. He provided her with genuine pleasure, which led them to wild intimacy.

Kirinmaru felt unworthy of Midoriko's love due to his perception of his appearance. However, Midoriko was determined to show that his looks meant nothing to her as she was willing to surrender her soul and body to express her love for him.

Midoriko needs to return to her village to attend a ceremony at the Shinto Shrine, but Kirinmaru hatches a wicked plan before she can make it back to the village.

Stay tuned for more sinful escapades, as Kirinmaru and Midoriko indulge in the pleasures of the forbidden, leaving you begging for more...

©Kirinmaru and Midoriko 2023.